By some accounts, the concept of bulk storage of dry materials has been around since the 8th century B.C. In fact, the word silo may derive from ancient Greek meaning “a pit for holding grain”. Pit storage of dry bulk solids was common practice from ancient times to the 19th century.
In the summer of 1873, Fred Hatch completed his studies at Illinois Industrial University as part of the second graduating class and returned to his family farm in McHenry County Illinois. Fred had studied agricultural science under Professor William Bliss, the sole faculty member in the Agricultural Department and had come away with some new ideas to increase farm yield and efficiency.
At the time, grain at the Hatch farm was stored in a pit inside the barn where dampness and vermin took a toll. Fred Hatch persuaded his father that they needed something better, so they dug a new pit 10’ x 6’ x 8’ deep and lined it with rocks. They then built vertical sides out of two layers of old floorboards extending 16’ above the ground. And so, the first bulk silo was born.
Filled with green corn fodder, the silo minimized the effects of moisture, decay and pests which led to healthier cows and higher milk yields. The Hatches built two more silos inside the barn and the three silos remained in use until the barn was torn down in 1919. The innovation was widely copied. Bulk storage silos had arrived.
With silo building, came unique structural and functional problems not known before. What kind of force did the stored material transfer to the silo walls and bottom? In this regard, the work of German engineer H.A. Janssen in the late 1800’s was fundamental to the sound design and construction of dry bulk silos.
Equally important was the concern about even drawdown and reliable flow on demand. Dr. Andrew Jenike’s research at the University of Utah in the 1950’s was of great value in understanding and overcoming flow problems. It was now possible to design a bin for a specific material based on certain carefully measured characteristics and conditions that would be both structurally sound and predictably unloaded.
But custom silo design could not keep pace with the demand for bulk storage and few processors could afford the time and expense of a custom- built installation.
Commercial silo builders stepped up to meet the demand with a variety of standardized storage bins in assorted heights and diameters. By 1921, Columbian Steel Tank had sold over 20,000 silos worldwide. In 1939, the US Department of Agriculture announced plans to buy 30,000 silos to store a bumper crop of grain. To meet this demand, Butler Manufacturing Company shipped over 20,000 silos in 2-1/2 months.
With the widespread use of commercially built silos to store an ever growing list of dry bulk materials came the often vexing problem of unloading them. Any number of ways were developed to empty silos, from top and side extractors to screw and belt bottom dischargers.
In the typical commercial silo with a 60° conical bottom air injection and side mounted vibrators were effective with some materials. But more often than not, the standby solution was a 200lb man at the end of a 20lb sledge.
In the late 50’s and early 60’s, Eugene A. Wahl experimented with a number of vibrating devices installed both inside and on the bottom of storage silos. This led to the discovery that the most effective bin discharge device was a horizontally vibrated cone section that replaced a portion of the lower section of the bin cone itself; what for most materials is the “compaction zone” where bridging and flow stoppage occur.
Fig 1: Bin Activator with compund slope
This bin discharge solution or bin activator soon gained wide acceptance throughout the process industries due to its success with a great variety of dry bulk solids and its applicability to both new and existing silos of virtually any configuration. Sixty years later with hundreds of thousands of bin activators in use worldwide, this is by far the most widely applied bin discharge device on the market offered in various versions of the original design by a dozen or more manufacturers. Figure 1
With the great body of application experience gained over the years, the proper sizing and design of bin activators has become fairly, simple. The wide use of bin activators on almost every dry bulk solid gives us an empirical roadmap to their application. What may seem to be a new and vexing discharge problem to a processor has probably been solved many times over with a bin activator.
Experience has taught us that most dry materials fall into one of four basic categories of “flowability” and once we
know the category of the material we are dealing with, we can confidentially select the proper size bin activator.
See the material classification table in See Figure 2.
In Figure 3, we see the profile of a typical commercial silo with a 60° cone bottom. For any one of the four material classifications, there will be a compaction zone measured as a fraction of the silo diameter. This is the area of the bin cone where material will most often bridge or compact. We can expect that above the compaction zone material will not bridge. It is at this point where a bin activator is attached.
So, on a 12’ diameter silo with a 60° conical bottom where a relatively free flowing material like granular salt is stored, the compaction zone will be at the 3’ – 4’ diameter and the bin activator sized accordingly. The decision between a 3’ or 4’ size is based on things such as particle size, moisture content, throughput rates and downstream equipment.
If we store cement in the same silo, and we certainly can without changing the bin design, the compaction zone and bin activator sizing will be at 6 ’- 8’.
There are five critical elements in a bin activator.
Fig 4: Forged steel hangers with vibration bushings
First, it must be free to move in a horizontal plane while being sufficiently strong in the vertical plane to support the headload of material above. What has emerged as the preferred way of attaching a bin activator to a bin is a series
of forged steel hanger arms, “dogbones”, fitted with rubber bushings top and bottom to isolate the vibration of the bin activator from the bin itself. Depending upon the size of the bin activator and material headload there can be from 4 – 30 hanger arms each with a load rating of 80,000 – 120,000lbs. Properly designed hanger arms will isolate 95% of the Bin activator vibration from the bin above. See Figure 4.
For ease of installation on the bin, the hanger arms are often pre-assembled to a mounting ring which in turn can be bolted or welded to a matching flange on the bin cone.
The second critical element is a flexible sleeve to seal the gap between the stationary bin and the vibrating bin activator. Typically, a nylon reinforced
Fig 5: One-piece molded sleeve with clamp retaining channels and clamping beads
EPDM elastomer material is molded in one piece with clamp retaining channels top and bottom and fitted over steel clamping beads welded to the bottom edge of the silo opening and top edge of the bin activator. Stainless steel clamps top and bottom secure the sleeve insuring a leak proof installation. See Figure 5
To move the bin activator in a horizontal plane a vibrator is mounted to its side. This is the third critical element. In general, a force of from 1000lbs to 10,000lbs is applied by the vibrator and in some applications multiple vibrators depending upon the size of the bin activator and the material being handled. A motor speed of 1800 rpm works best for most materials
The body of the bin activator itself can be a simple 45° cone or a compound shape with a shallow upper section and a steeper lower section. This fourth critical element converts the large diameter of the top of the compaction zone to a discharge outlet of practical size and shape. In larger bin activators 7’ diameter and above a compound slope is preferred.
The shallow upper section of the compound slope design supports the headload of material in the bin without compacting it. When the vibrator is turned on, material is dislodged in a horizontal plane and thrown inward towards the steeper lower section where it falls quickly to the final outlet. This eliminates the outlet packing problems sometimes found in larger single slope bin activators.
The very important fifth element in bin activator design is the internal baffle. The two principal functions of the baffle are to carry some of the headload of material in the bin, keeping it off the outlet and to impart vibration to the material up above. Of significant importance is that the baffle helps create a more homogenous discharge.
Many times, when a bin is loaded, the larger particles gravitate towards the periphery of the bin with the smaller particles settling in the center. In operation the design of the internal baffle encourages flow from the bin walls while forcing the smaller particles around its edges creating a re-mixing of large and small particles. Many of the undesirable effects of funnel flow are avoided.
Apart from reliable flow on demand from virtually any silo, bin activators provide a number of process benefits. They can be designed with heating and cooling jackets to help maintain the temperature of the stored material. They can be equipped with two or more outlets to service multiple conveying lines simultaneously. They can be supplied with manifold style crossarms and baffles for the introduction of steam or other gases into the material. And they can be designed for positive and negative pressure and elevated temperatures.
Bin activators are available in a wide range of steel and surface finishes to meet any application in any industry
from AR steel in the coal industry to polished stainless steel finishes for the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Perhaps most importantly is the role bin activators play in precision feeding and reliable conveying. Neither a feeder nor a conveyor can function properly without a reliable consistent flow of material. Bin activators provide flow on demand and deliver a uniformly dense material to the conveyor or feeder below. Recently a battery of malfunctioning loss in weight feeders in service at a major tire manufacturer were brought up to spec by the installation of bin activators on the bins above. It was not the feeders that malfunctioned, just the storage bins.
Storing and discharging dry bulk solids has gone from mystifying complexity and expense to field tested commercial efficiency and economy in the last few decades. Silos, bin activators and all of the ancillary equipment needed for an efficient bulk storage installation are available from a range of manufacturers whose design assistance is based on years of practical experience in hundreds of thousands installations.
Continuous feeding systems are used in processes where precise material addition is required throughout the manufacturing operation.
The primary objective of continuous weighing is to automatically measure and control the rate of flow of bulk material in units of weight per unit time.
There are a number of continuous weighing devices for dry bulk solids, Loss-In-Weight Feeders, Weigh Belt Feeders, Pivoted Weigh Screws, and Mass Flow Meters. For the purposes of this paper we are going to limit our discussion to the differences between a Loss-In-Weight Feeder and a Weigh Belt Feeder and when to choose one over another.
LOSS-IN-WEIGHT FEEDERS What is a Loss-In-Weight Feeder?
Briefly a Loss-In-Weight Feeder is a continuous gravimetric feeder which senses the loss (or absence) of material being fed. By continually weighing the entire feeder, hopper and material, the rate of the system’s weight loss is precisely controlled to match the desired feed rate.
A Loss-In-Weight feeding system includes a supply hopper, a metering feeder, supporting scale system with microprocessor controller and some type of refill mechanism.
The system either electronically or mechanically balances tare weight of the hopper and feeder so the load cell and controller senses only the weight of the material in the supply hopper.
At time zero, the hopper is full (high weight), and the operator enters the set point or desired feed rate into the controller.
As time and discharge advance, the actual sensed “loss-in-weight” follows the decreasing scheduled weight ramp in the controller whose slope is a direct representation of the desired weight of delivered material per unit of time (set point). The controller makes frequent comparisons of sensed vs. desired rate and alters the feeder’s output, keeping it at the set point.
Once the sensed weight reaches the hopper refill level (low weight), the controller locks the feed system into volumetric control. The hopper is recharged, and the Loss-In-Weight cycle repeats. Loss-In-Weight Feeders can use several different types of feeding apparatuses to control the metering of the material, screw feeders (single or twin), electromagnetic vibratory feeders either pan or tube and if the application warrants a rotary feeder.
What is a Weigh Belt Feeder?
It can be any number of material control devices that use a relatively short conveyor belt over which material passes and is at some point weighed through the belt. The Weigh Belt Feeder uses a load cell that measures the weight of a fixed-length section of belt, yielding a figure of material weight per linear distance (feet) on the belt. A speed sensor (encoder) measures the speed of the belt.
The product of these two variables is the mass flow rate of solid material “through” the weigh feeder:
W= Fv/d
W = Mass flow rate (pounds per minute)
F = Force of gravity acting on the weighed belt section (pounds)
v = Belt speed (feet per minute)
d = Length of weighed belt section (feet)
The continuous weigh belt controller, a closed loop device, senses both weight and belt speed when calculating actual feed rate. The controller compares the actual rate to the operator’s set rate and automatically adjusts belt speed as required.
Some factors to consider when deciding to choose a Loss-In-Weight Feeder or a Weigh Belt Feeder:
Loss-In-Weight Feeder
The industry standard for Loss-In-Weight Feeders accuracy has been, “Provides an accuracy of ±¼ to ±1% of set rate at ±2 sigma based on a minimum of 30 consecutive samples of one (1) minute, 30 revolutions of the screw, or 1% of scale capacity, whichever is greater. Accuracy may vary depending on material flow characteristics”
There are critical areas of Loss-In-Weight Feeder design that directly affect its ability to be accurate:
1. The volumetric feeder portion of the Loss-In-Weight Feeder must be capable of producing 1-2% accuracy on its own in order for the Loss-In-Weight Feeder as a system to produce 1/4% to 1/2% gravimetrically with most materials.
2. When the feeder goes through its refill cycle (to fill the feeder’s integral hopper) the control algorithm goes from a gravimetric mode to volumetric mode and back to gravimetric (as shown in the Loss-In-Weight diagram (Figure #1).
So, for the period of time Loss-In-Weight Feeder is in a “volumetric” mode the feeder is not under true automatic control. Some Loss-In-Weight controllers use “learning” control algorithms that take the control data learned over time, memorizing screw speed before and during previous refills and making changes based on that experience. Note, some Loss-In-Weight Feeders lock in last known screw speed before the refill cycle which does not compensate for material handling characteristics of the material. This creates a higher degree of inaccuracy.
3. Ideally a Loss-In-Weight hopper should be large enough to provide at least ten minutes of material retention time at maximum feed rate for conditioned, de-aerated material. This helps during hopper refill providing a buffer between conditioned material and aerated material. Fast refills of the Loss-In-Weight hopper shortens up the time when in the volumetric mode. Typical refill times should be in the 5-15 second range, depending on the size of the Loss-In-Weight hopper.
4. Use proper equipment to refill the Loss-In-Weight hopper. Never use aeration devices to fluidize material to get it out of the supply bin. Always use discharge devices that instantly discharge material when the refill valve opens.
5. When using a Loss-In-Weight with vibratory pan or tube, the head load from the supply hopper pressing down on the pan can change the vibration amplitude thereby changing rate output. This is seen when the material level in the hopper changes the pressure changes. A proper designed hopper needs to be used to prevent this change in head load.
Weigh Belt Feeder
The industry standard for Weigh Belt Feeders has been, “Provides an accuracy of ±½% of totalized weight based on a minimum sample of one (1) minute or two circuits of the belt, whichever is greater or ±¼% to ±1.0% of set rate at 2 sigma based on 30 consecutive one (1) minute samples. Accuracy may vary depending on material flow characteristics”.
Getting the best accuracy out of a weigh belt requires attention to a number of factors. This includes
1. Obviously the weigh belt must be sized properly for the type of material being handled. The correct lbs/ft loading for accurate weighing, correct belt speed for the material type.
2. If handling a powder especially a fine potential fluidizable powder, the storage bin above the feeder should have at least 10 – 15 minutes of retention time in the bin to assure constant bulk density.
3. Flow promoting devices are needed for those materials that have poor handling characteristics. Ideally the inlet nozzle that feeds the material directly to the belt surface should have a profile that helps reduce material head load off the belt at the inlet. This helps reduce horse power requirements and the potential for belt slippage during initial belt start-up.
a. Large or long fibrous materials are the hardest materials to get to flow on a belt. Making the 90 degree turn from bin to belt surface requires proper design of feeder inlet chute. Special inlet metering tubes which have a special geometry are used in the wood and tobacco industry to assure proper material flow. The feed outlet should be at least 3X the size of the largest particle size to assure no material hang-ups.
4. Proper belt tension is critical for maintaining good accuracy. Over tensioning a belt (usually to prevent belt slippage or belt tracking) can greatly affect accuracy by applying downward belt tension on the weigh mechanism (scale).
5. Improper speed encoder location or improper pulses per revolution per the feed rate can create drastic effect on accuracy. Remember a weigh belt requires two accurate components for accuracy, accurate belt speed and accurate weighing of material on the belt. If either one is off, the weight belt will not get the desired accuracy.F
Loss-In-Weight Feeder
At which feed rate is a Loss-In-Weight Feeder chosen over a Weigh Belt Feeder. For Loss-In-Weight Feeders, as the feed rate increases, the higher the cost of the system.
There are several factors in choosing a Loss-In-Weight Feeder: screw size, load cell capacity and hopper size.
1. The sizing of the weigh hopper has significant effect on the feeder’s sensitivity to changes in weight. The larger the hopper , the longer time between refills, but the weigh scale becomes less and less sensitive to changes in weight as the hopper size increases. This is because the scale has to support the weight of the material in the hopper as well as measure the loss of weight from the feeder. These two requirements often conflict with each other and trade-offs must be made. The problem is compounded if the hopper and support structure weight is also supported by the scale.
2. When using a strain gauge load cell for Loss-In-Weight applications the load cell capacity is directly influenced by the required feed rate, weight of equipment and live load capacity of the hopper. The load cell’s capacity is broken down into three components, Tare, which is the weight if the mechanical equipment (feeder and hopper), Live Load which is the material weight in the hopper and Overload which helps protect the load cell from being damaged from some external force like an operator standing on the scale. The load cell size provides a correct millivolt per weight (scale resolution) for the required feed rate and if the load cell becomes too large than the feed accuracy can suffer.
3. Loss-In-Weight feeders can go as low as 15 lbs/hr feed rate with a ½ ft3 hopper. These feeders are typically refilled by hand or volumetric feeder with positive material shut off gate.
4. As the required feed rate increases, the hopper capacity increases as well as the refill volume. The maximum feed rate of a Loss-In-Weight Feeder where is starts to become impractical to use is at a 6” screw or around 600 ft3/hr feed rate. A 6” Loss-In-Weight Feeder handling a powder at 40 lbs/ft3 requires a hopper of 200 ft3 minimum.
Weigh Belt Feeder
1. Weigh Belt Feeders can be used on a wide variation of materials, from fine powders (like TiO2) to large particle size material (like aggregate or wood chips).
2. The application of a weigh belt is based on the material to be handled, its bulk density, the required feed rate and particle size. As you will see later there are other factors that influence specific design criteria of a Weigh Belt Feeder.
3. Weigh belts can be purchased in belt widths from 6” up to 96” with feed rates from .025 STPH up to 3,000 STPH. Typical feed rate turn down is quoted as 20:1 with varying the belt speed, but 100:1 if both the belt speed and material bed depth are changed. If bed depth is changed the lbs/ft loading on the belt should not exceed the minimum or maximum loading of the load cell.
4. Ideally for fine materials the bed depth and belt speed should be kept to a minimum as to not lose control and flood the belt with material. Belt speeds are generally in the 1.0 to 100 ft/minute and material bed depth can be anywhere between 0.5” up to 12”. Ideal belt speed range 10-60 FPM preferred, 10-30 FPM for abrasive materials and for higher feed rates when handling non-floodable materials the belt speed can be as high as 100 ft/min with material bed depth up to 24”. Note the distance from the feeder inlet to the weigh bridge should be no closer than 1.5 to 2 seconds for material settling time. This needs to be taken into account when calculating belt speed for the given application. For high rate applications that require higher belt speeds the belt length may need to be increased to move the weigh bridge further down the conveyor to provide the required settling time.
5. The only requirements on the storage silo above the weigh belt is that when handling a fine powder there must be 10 -15 minutes of material retention time in the bin above the feeder to make sure the material is de-aerated to a constant bulk density. The other requirement is that the material flow out of the storage bin must have consistent and uninterrupted flow of material. If it does not the bin should be equipped with a flow promoting device.
6. If the material is heavy with a large particle size, there should be a gate valve between the bin outlet and weigh belt inlet. This is particularly true for mass flow slot style outlets where a pin or slide gate should be use to prevent belt damage during initial filling of the bin. In some cases if it is a large opening impact idlers (supporting the belt) under the inlet should be used.
Loss-In-Weight Feeder
1. Loss-In-Weight Feeders with screw or vibratory feeders are limited to the length of the volumetric feeder screw, tubes or pans for conveying distances. Screws and tubes can be extended but within reason and not so long that they can affect the scale or load cells.
2. Loss-In-Weight Feeders should not be installed outdoors especially the large units without adequate environmental protection. Their accuracy can be directly affected by wind currents. Loss-In-Weight Feeders are weighed structures designed to detect very small changes in weight on the load cell(s). It does not take much wind to affect the feeder’s performance.
3. Extreme changes in air temperature around the Loss-In-Weight Feeder does not generally affect the feeder’s performance, unless the temperature exceeds the rated temperature range of the load cell(s) or other components.
4. Temperature of the material being handled does not affect the feeder as long as the temperature does not exceed the limits of the feeder components like bearings and seals. Potential heat transfer into motor and reducer should be considered and adjusted for.
5. Loss-In-Weight Feeders always require flexible connections between the refill equipment and the equipment the material is feeding into.
6. Loss-In-Weight Feeders can handle mildly abrasive materials with hardened or coated surfaces designed for this type of material.
7. Dust Collection on Loss-In-Weight Feeders that are being automatically refilled by pneumatic gate valve should have some form of dust collection especially with an integral bin as part of the Loss-In-Weight over 10 ft3. Vent filter socks attached to the hopper cover work reasonable well on small bins but if the material is very fine and cohesive the filter sock will blind over. Larger bins where there is a large volume of material filling the bin in a short period of time will displace a lot of dust ladened air. If the air is not properly vented the feeder will be pressurized and potentially vent out through the feed screw or vibratory feeder disrupting the flow of material. Large bin Loss-In-Weight Feeders should be connected to a dust collection system and the vacuum should only be running during refill. Pulling a vacuum on the feeder at any other time of the feeding cycle can cause accuracy errors.
Weigh Belt Feeders
1. Weigh Belts convey distance can easily be altered to meet most applications. The normal width to length (pulley to pulley) ratio is around 2.5 to 3:1 length to width as a minimum for proper belt tracking. Weigh Belts can be lengthen as long as 60 ft and inclined if necessary up to 20 degrees.
2. Weigh Belt Feeders can be installed outdoors without being affected by the weather as long as they are the enclosed type and preferably with an enclosed bottom using a drag or screw cleanout.
3. Like Loss-In-Weight Feeders the change in air temperature does not generally affect the feeder performance as long as it does not exceed the Load Cell and Speed Encoder temperature specification for performance. In extremely cold environments, the belt may become stiff and less pliable which can affect the weighing ability. This normally does not happen as long as the belt is moving. For long shutdown in cold weather, the belt should be run to limber the belt and prevent stiffness prior to running material.
4. High material temperature can affect the feeder performance if care is not taken to use a belt that is rated for the material temperature. Most belt manufactures can provide high temperature belts, the problem is finding a belt that can handle the high temperature and be flexible enough to not interfere with the weighing of the material. Also, belt conveyor high temperature ratings are designed for applications where the belt is not in an enclosure and running at high speeds. When running at low belt speeds and enclosed, the material has less time to shed some of its heat so the material actually bakes the belt which can break down the belt and have premature failure.
5. Weigh Belts can be rigidly connected to up-stream and down-stream equipment without the need for flexible connections unless the silo or bin is on load cells or there is a vibrating bin discharger in use.
6. Weigh Belts have been used for decades handling abrasive material. Most belt manufacturers make abrasion resistant belts however take precaution like the high temp belts they are usually heavier in weight and stiffer construction that can affects feeder performance. Note that belts typically abrades due to material head load at the infeed to the belt so a good solution to prevent abrasion is to use a pre-feeder like a vibratory conveyor metering the material on the belt surface.
7. Like Loss-In-Weight Feeders, weigh belts have been used extensively in sanitary applications. Most sanitary style weigh belts come with cantilevered belts for easy removal for wash down. All bearing, motor and reducers are now produced in stainless or sanitary designs. The speed encoders are also made for wash down applications. The only issue is with the load cells, which while made of stainless should not be cleaned with high pressure washers.
8. The gravimetric weigh belt’s biggest deficiency is vulnerability to mechanical problems is due to dust, moisture or fumes from downstream process. Dust or material can spill off the belt at the inlet especially at initial fill of the supply hopper. A slide, butterfly or pin gate are recommended to prevent material from flushing off the belt at first fill.
Dust can accumulate at the head pulley and work its way back into the weigh belt enclosure creating problems with the weighbridge, bearings and belt support idlers. If enough dust builds up between the inside strands of the belt, it can create belt track issues or accuracy problems by changing the belt tension. Adequate dust venting is important for long term maintenance of the weigh belt and high accuracy.
9. Weigh Belts with enclosures are typically open on the bottom. Obviously, if open, dust or material can escape the enclosure creating house cleaning issues or violation of state or federal OSHA and MSHA standards. Belt feeders can be completely enclosed using several different methods.
Drop Bottom Panels, this is the least expensive method of enclosing and while it does prevent material from escaping the enclosure, operators must be wary of making sure the bottom is cleaned on a regular basis, which is not always accomplished.
Funnel Bottom, this is an effective way to collect dust. The funnel is connected to a dust collection system and the dust is siphoned off. Big drawback is the funnel bottom requires steeps side walls to make the material not accumulate, so it takes up additional head room.
Screw Bottom, very effective way of getting rid of dust build-up. Like the funnel bottom it requires steep side walls to bring the material into the screw.
Drag Conveyor, again very effective way to
keep the belt feeder clean. Requires minimal head room.
So, the next time you have an application for feeding materials, you should keep an open mind about using either a Loss-In-Weight Feeder or Weigh Belt Feeder. If properly applied, both feeder styles will provide extremely high accuracy and dependability. The key is to pay attention to the details of the application and make sure that the chosen system best meets the needs. Neither system is better than the other; it comes down to which system best meets all the application parameters, be it, feed rate, material characteristics, space requirement, compatibility with the existing process, instrumentation communication and the list goes on.
Tom Picone is Director of Business Development at Vibra Screw, Inc., Totowa, NJ who manufacturer a line of material handling equipment, including, Loss-In-Weight Feeder, Weigh Belts Screw Feeders and Bin Dischargers. A graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University, Mr. Picone has over 39 years’ experience in the material handling industry.
Keeping Dry Materials Moving With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the use of controlled vibration to process dry bulk materials, Vibra Screw engineers have devised systems to handle most materials — probably your material included.
As the leader in dry solids processing, our name is recognized and trusted worldwide in such diverse industries as:
For additional information, ask for literature on the following:
Batching Systems
Bin Activator
Bulk Bag Filler
Bulk Bag Unloader
Bio-SEPTIC Feeder
DE Feeder
Heavy Duty Screw Feeder
Loss-In-Weight Feeder
Live Bottom Bin
Live Bin
Live Bin Screw Feeder
Pan & Tube feeder
Portable Bin Unloader
Storage Pile Activator
Vibrating Screens
Volumetric Belt Feeder
Weigh Belt Feeder
Water Treatment Systems
If your Vibra Screw equipment doesn’t perform in the service for which it was sold, we’ll refund your money. Ask any other equipment manufacturer to put that in writing. No time limits. No conditions.
Ever wonder how they get those wonderful little pieces of goodies inside of ice cream. You know those chunks of toffee, dark chocolate flakes, butterscotch pieces or coconut are fed into the ice cream making process by Vibra Screw’s AccuFeed screw feeder, at many well know ice cream makers. They chose the AccuFeed because of it’s ability to accurately meter many different types of ingredients and it is very easy to clean when product changes are made.
For decades Vibra Screw has supplied material handling equipment to the aerospace industry for the space shuttle booster engine and military rockets. Once again we had the opportunity to develop a high accuracy batching system to handle extremely explosive oxidizer powder used as one of the ingredients in making solid rocket fuel. System is comprised of a portable Vibra Screw 200 ft3 Live Bottom Bin and Vibratory Feeder Loss-In-Weight batch system.
Silica, otherwise known as industrial sand, provides the most important ingredient for glass production. Silica sand provides the essential Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) required for glass formulation, which makes silica the primary component in all types of standard and specialty glass.
If you have ever used an hourglass, you know dry sand will flow like water. Add moisture to sand, like moist beach sand, put it in a pail, turn it over and the sand takes the form of the pail. The sand compresses and adheres to itself becoming non-free flowing. The same thing happens on a larger scale where wet sand is stored in large silos for glass making. Not only does the silo need to hold the sand but the sand needs to flow out of the silo in a controlled rate to match the glass production rate.
To overcome the non-free flowing nature of wet sand Vibra Screw has been providing Bin Activators for over 60 years to some of the largest glass producers in the world. Bin Activator using controlled vibration assures continuous uninterrupted flow of material. The attached photo is a 10 ft Bin Activator getting ready to be shipped to an architectural glass plant.
Lime is a manufactured product made from limestone (calcium carbonate) or dolomite
(magnesium carbonate). The raw material is processed into quicklime and hydrated lime. Since it is alkaline, it is used to adjust the pH of both drinking water and wastewater.
Getting ready to ship a small water treatment lime handling system. The storage bin is a Vibra Screw 22 ft3 capacity Live Bin and the feeder is a Vibra Screw Versi Feeder with 1.5″ screw accurately feeding lime at 500 lbs/hr max.
Bin Activators are one of the most successful devices for ensuring flow of bulk material from storage. They can range in diameter from a couple of feet to 18 feet. Bin Activators can be extremely heavy, and while being subjected to vibration, must support the head load created by additional tons of material in the silo. Making a mistake in the design or material used in the hangers that support them can have catastrophic consequences.
Hangers perform two critical functions. First, they must safely carry the Activator and silo head load. Second, they must provide flexibility of movement under vibration and prevent transmission of that vibration to the stationery silo structure. Accordingly, they must be incredibly strong in tension yet free to move horizontally. Our experience has proven that forged steel hangers combined
with isolator bushings provide the best uniform tensile properties and strength. At Vibra Screw we produced both with our own dies and molds.
Smaller Activators use smaller forged hangers combined with a lower durometer isolator. Larger activators use larger forged hangers and progressively higher durometer isolators. The critical calculation is to design for each specific load situation with the right choice of forging size and isolator stiffness. The correct design will maximize strength while minimizing vibration transmission. It may sound simple but for Activators to operate within optimal parameters hangers are a critical component.
When applications require even more load carrying ability, simply adding additional standard hangers is not always possible. Our R&D engineers have designed a cable hanger similar in design to the cables used on the world’s largest suspension bridges. The cable hanger provides excellent horizontal flexibility and vibration isolation, and up to 10 times the load capacity of our strongest regular hangers.
Our experience has shown the hanger designs we’ve described here are far superior to those using ordinary bar stock, threaded rod or even castings for vertical support combined with rudimentary off-the-shelf isolators.
Beyond the nuts and bolts of installing a Bin Activator, a carefully designed hanger system is essential. Vibra Screw’s 68 years of experience, from invention of the Bin Activator to development of its present design, ensures the safety and integrity of each system.
Vibra Screw Inc has developed a new Bin Activator hanger that provides up to ten times the dynamic load bearing capacity of all previous designs. It prevents nearly all overload issues that can arise in high volume bins with dense or fluidized material, or where pneumatic filling creates higher than normal bin pressures. Costly repairs and production downtime are eliminated.
High bin loads can cause rubber isolator bushings in standard hangers to over compress leading to additional vibration transmission to the bin structure and sagging that can create leakage of material from the Activator main seal. The new cable hanger eliminates the rubber isolator while maintaining nearly
total vibration isolation from the bin structure and without sagging.
Similar to the suspension systems on the world’s largest bridges, the hanger uses 7/8 inch wire cable fitted to a mounting block that quickly retrofits existing Vibra Screw Bin Activator hangers.
Vibra Screw offers free evaluation of your bin loading problems without cost or obligation. Please call or contact us at 973-256-7410 or